Jeffersonville Time: ...

Dear Elijah’s Little Flock,

We are a peculiar people, odd and strange to the world, and to many believers, but nevertheless, we are a spiritual priesthood, a royal nation, offering spiritual sacrifices to God, with the fruits of our lips giving praise to His Name. We want to tell the world that we are so happy, so thankful, and so honored to be One Of Them.

We have sold all our other pearls, as He has given us the Pearl of great price, the Revelation of Himself. We see the very Word of God made manifest. The very promise of the last days, the very evening Lights that was to shine.

It has been revealed deep in our hearts that the Voice we hear on tape is the Son of Man revealing Himself. That Voice told us: Stay here, look upon This stored up Food that I have laid in for you on tapes. If you have any questions, refer back to these tapes. It might even be a little puzzling to you, but play the tape back and listen close. If you’re Bride, the Holy Spirit will reveal It to you. Remember, the tapes need no interpretation, just say what is on the tapes. I am your pastor and you are my little flock, stay with the tape teaching.

I know so many don’t understand what we are doing by listening to the same Message all at the same time, but that is okay, they are still our brothers and sisters and we love them and we should never speak against them. Everyone must do as they feel lead of the Lord to do. God works and leads us as individuals.

The prophet told us we must check everything with the Word, and prove it by the Word, just as he did. The Word for today, is and has always been, the Bible. The Bible tells us in the last days He would fully reveal all the mysteries and secrets in His Bible by a prophet He will send. He Himself would speak through this prophet and reveal Himself in flesh just as He did to Abraham. His Word would not be the words of a man, but the very Words of God Himself. It would be THUS SAITH THE LORD, thus the Bible and that Voice would be one and the same.

There is a deep calling to a deep in our hearts to hear that vindicated Voice. We want to hear the Voice of God direct from His chosen prophet. There is such a love in our hearts to hear that Voice and to just relax and know we don’t have to question anything we hear, just have to believe EVERY WORD.

There is no other place we can do that. Not that someone would tell us something wrong or mislead us, as they too have the Holy Spirit, but we know that they could unwillingly tell us something wrong. But when we hear God’s vindicated Voice on tape, even if we don’t understand what is being said, Papa God said we just have to say AMEN, WE BELIEVE EVERY WORD. We cannot do that to any other voice.

We were commanded by that Voice to:

Don’t you listen to me; but listen to what I’ve said. What I said is the Message. Don’t pay any attention to the messenger; watch the Message. Keep your eyes, not on the messenger, but on the Message. What It said, that’s the thing to look to.

What he said IS the Message of the hour. We must keep our eyes on the Message; It is the thing to look to.

He is revealing things to us as never before. Every Message we hear sounds like a new Message we have never heard. Although we have heard them hundreds of times before, we can’t explain it, it is like we are hearing it for the first time and He is giving us more and more Revelation.

We just can’t imagine anyone not wanting to hear these Messages with us. There is such a unity and Oneness with the Bride and His Word. We are fully satisfied like no other time in our lives.

Once again we are under great expectations. It’s as if the Seals are just now being opened. He is going to show us things we have never seen before and bring Light to things we have heard many, many times before; but now, we’ll see It plainly.

We know that everything we have need of for His soon coming Rapture, is that Voice on the tapes.

God sent His prophet by a vision to the backside of the desert in Arizona where he was caught up by seven angels, and then sent back to Jeffersonville to reveal the hidden mysteries of the Seven Seals to the Bride.

Come tune in with us as God speaks to us lip to ear this Sunday at 10:00 A.M., Jeffersonville time, and we will hear: God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same 63-0317M.

We will begin the Message on paragraph #94, after the dedicational service.

Bro. Joseph Branham




1 Chronicles 17:1-8
Isaiah 35:8 / 40:1-5 / 53:1
Malachi 3rd Chapter
St. Matthew 11:10, 11:25-26
St. John 14:1-6
1 Corinthians 13th Chapter
Revelation 21st Chapter